oil paintings - watercolor - mixed media and some quotes that inform them scroll down for more all images on this website are copyrighted by Lloyd Brown, 2011.  Do not copy without permission “Religion, like art, is an attempt to deal with the non-rational.  That's not the irrational.  It is the non-rational - those powerful forces that inform all of our lives - love, beauty, the search for meaning, mortality, grief and alienation.”  ~Chris Hedges, author, activist, investigative journalist    “It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how Nature is. Physics concerns what we say about Nature.” ~Niels Bohr, On Quantum Physics creativity is the web of life art as storytelling art at the intersection of becoming "The question is not so much "What do I learn from stories?" as What stories do I want to live?"  Insofar as I'm 'non-dual' with my narratives, that question is just as much, "What stories want to come to life through me?" ~ Buddhist writer David Loy, The World is Made of Stories When Francis Harwood, an anthropologist, asked a Sioux elder why people tell stories, he answered: “In order to become Human beings.” She asked, “Aren’t we human beings already?”  He smiled. “Not everyone makes it.” ~from a quote in David Loy’s The World is Made of Stories "All form is emptiness - emptiness is form.  Form  is not other than emptiness and emptiness not other than form. All Buddhas past present and future understand this while actualizing supreme awakening. This understanding is the great illumination of understanding which protects from suffering in illusion - without fail." ~ a few lines from the Mahayahna Heart Sutra   "One of the implications of the oneness (non- duality) of things is a simultaneity.  There's not a here and a then, not a cause and effect, not a subject and an object.  There is a simultaneity of things right here in the present moment.  Everything is simultaneously of this world (as)  material or energetic - manifest phenomenal measureable and at the same time everything is empty vast eternal - not changing not rising and falling.  Everything is both of those things simultaneously. That is the shimmering quality of everything."  ~ From a 2012 Santa Fe NM  lecture entitled Shimmer and Flow by Zen teacher Joan Sutherland   "Authentically spiritual abstract art does not so much communicate as induce an attitude of communion and contemplation.  It offers an equivalent of what is regarded as part of religious life: a sincere and humble submission to a spiritual object, an experience which is not given automatically but requires preparation and purity of spirit."  ~ Donald Kuspit, Concerning the Spiritual in Abastact Art “Because vast spirit has no contradiction, there is the cypress tree in the courtyard.” ~ Zen master Dogen Mandala - West   String Theory   "Art alone makes life possible – this is how radically I should like to formulate it. I would say that without art man is inconceivable in physiological terms… …I would say man does not consist only of chemical processes, but also of metaphysical occurrences. The provocateur of the chemical processes is located outside the world. Man is only truly alive when he realizes he is a creative, artistic being… …Even the act of peeling a potato can be a work of art if it is a conscious act." ~ Joseph Beuys The eyes are how the great mystery sees, how it hold on, moment by moment holds to the gift of each moment, before the next moment appears bringing with it it’s own face” ~ Joseph Rael, Picuris Pueblo, New Mexico